Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Another sunny, blue, blowy day! According to my mother, the weatherman is holding out hope of some rain later in the week. Wouldn't that be a surprise and an incredible blessing!

I'm off to the GYM--for the second time in as many days. Finally made it--only recently heard about it!--to the little gym right here in the Village yesterday and it was a really good experience. The owner is fabulous! Gentle, kind, knows what he's doing. Notices every single person that comes in. Or doesn't...which is what I need: some accountability. He seems to give lots of personal attention to everyone & knows them all by name. I'm motivated! And no excuses--it's right down the hill.

Might be a low-key way to get to know some more people out here too, although he has a lot of older members. (Hard for anyone with a regular work schedule to get there--he's only open weekdays, and then only til 6pm.) So once I start working in town, I may not be able to continue. I'm thinking of it as an opportunity to take NOW: to take advantage of my current 'open' schedule to ingrain a good habit. There's no initiation or commitment, just a monthly fee, so that made the decision easy.

Hope you have a good day, too. Here are some more roses from my garden to make you smile.

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